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How to Handle Email Marketing B2B Lead Generation and Conversion

Email marketing remains a cornerstone of effective B2B lead generation and conversion strategies. By leveraging targeted campaigns, businesses can nurture potential clients through the sales funnel, from initial awareness to conversion. A well written email highlights the different products and services that you offer, keeping you top of mind for both prospects and existing customers and encouraging them to take action.

Key benefits of email marketing B2B lead generation

As a strategy that both introduces people to your company and nurtures existing customers, email marketing is one of the most powerful tools that you have at your disposal. The primary advantages of sending out emails are:

Cost effective — Compared to traditional marketing methods, email has a very high ROI.

Personalize — Tailor content to specific industries, roles, or pain points.

Measure — Track open rates, click throughs, and conversions for data driven optimization.

Automate — Use drip campaigns to nurture leads over time without manual intervention.

Scale — Easily reach a large audience without proportional cost increases.

Taking full advantage of email marketing B2B lead generation and conversion is only possible if you create and send your messaging the right way. Here are several best practices to keep in mind:

  • Segment your email list based on industry, company size, or engagement level
  • Provide valuable, relevant content that addresses your audience's needs
  • Use compelling subject lines to improve open rates
  • Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) to guide prospects to the next step
  • Regularly clean your email list to maintain high deliverability rates
  • A/B test different elements of your emails to continually improve performance

Sounds like a lot of work, right? That’s why we recommend outsourced email marketing.

What is outsourced email marketing?

For many companies, managing email marketing b2b lead generation in house can be challenging. To do it right and reap all the benefits, you have to put in significant time and work to write, design, and program the emails, continuously build and update your distribution lists, and analyze the data and key metrics to make sure your emails are actually effective. This process can be difficult for in house teams that are already stretched thin and who may not have the knowledge required to handle this tool most effectively.

Outsourced email marketing provides you with all the benefits and only requires a fraction of the work. By partnering with specialized agencies or service providers, businesses can leverage expert knowledge and advanced tools without the need for extensive in house resources or a whole new project being added to your plate.

Choose Winsby for outsourced email marketing

At Winsby, we handle outsourced email marketing for the majority of our clients. What we generally see is that the customers of theirs who are on their email list purchase two to three times more often than those who aren’t on the list. Plus, because of how effective our emails are and our competitive rates, our clients see a massive ROI that’s thousands of times what they spend. We write, design, program, distribute, and track all your emails, and we consistently build, refine, and improve your distribution list. All you need to do is approve them. It’s the easiest way to implement email marketing B2B lead generation and conversion quickly.

If you want to start turning more prospects into customers and have customers that purchase two to three times more than they are now, then contact Winsby for our outsourced email marketing services.

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