
What Media Relations Are and Why You Need Them

When it comes to developing your brand, media relations can play a critical role. The problem is, a lot of companies don’t focus much of their time or effort on it, because they have the perception that it’s “old school” and no longer valuable in today’s world. Neglecting media relations, however, means neglecting a potential source of business, recognition, and credibility in the eyes of your customers and potential customers.

What is media relations?

Media relations refers to sharing content with reputable publications in your industry that they then publish on their websites and in their printed publications. Typically, it’s made up of press releases that are converted to articles and include announcements on new services and products and other changes in your company that highlight your company and what you do. The value of media relations stems from the implied endorsement from these publications, lending your business more credibility, and your company is being exposed to a wider audience through the publications’ websites and priorities from search engines.

The primary benefits of media relations

In addition to increasing your credibility and visibility, media relations have several other key benefits that will help your business.

Improve your SEO – When articles, posts, and press releases are added to various publications, they will include your company name and link back to your own website. The more your company is mentioned, the more you improve your Google index, which means you should rank better on searches. Links to your site on reputable publications also create a backlink to your site that tells Google your company is worthy of higher rankings.

Control your online reputation – The more you share positive news about your company in your industry, the better the perception is of your company by customers and prospects. By actively distributing online news to publications through media relations, you can have more impact on the topics that are in the news about your company.

Stay top of mind – If customers and prospects are seeing your company’s name and what you do regularly in various publications and on different industry websites, you are more likely to remain top of mind for them. That way, when they require the products or services that you offer, they will be more likely to think of you and trust that you can provide what they need.

Media relations are cost effective – Positive media stories expose your brand to a wider range of people than you probably could on your own. While journalists and reporters won’t explicitly endorse your products, their stories draw attention to your company. You can use press releases to gain publicity about your newest products or services and any company events at a much lower cost than paying for ads designed to get you the same exposure.

We offer media relations services

At Winsby, our team will help you build up your online presence through writing press releases or articles about your products and services and then sending them to publications in your industry. We handle all the follow up and let you know when and where your articles post and your release was published. The result is that you’ll gain backlinks to your site, improve your Google index, and cultivate a positive perception of your business online. Plus, you can share your published articles on your company’s social channels, furthering your reach even more.

Do you want to improve your online presence? Contact us about our media relations services today!

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